Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm a little behind in posting! But that seems to be the way it goes sometimes - life gets in the way. Not really in the way this time though. In August we went to Camp Perry for George to shoot national competitions. He placed 3rd out of 503 people in the carbine match - so proud of him. I'd seen the rheumetologist before we left and she'd given me a prednisone pack to take with just in case I had a flare. Fortunately I didn't need it while there. I went out with the girls to some state parks and to Marblehead lighthouse and enjoyed lunches.

Made sure to balance activity and rest. I worked on a quilt for Christian and made good progress on it. Friday of that week I may have overdone and gotten over heated. Fatigue hit Saturday and by Monday after we got home, I was in a flare so started the prednisone. I actually had 3 days of NO pain! But then it slowly started back. Saw the rheumy again and too soon for more so am staying on the arava for another 6 weeks to see how that goes. It too has it's "issues" with running to the bathroom so since the methotrexate wasn't causing the problems, I may discuss going back on it when I see her in mid October. My neighbor was diagnosed with RA and recently had joint replacement on her thumb. I'll be glad to have someone local to talk about stuff with now. Cooler weather is finally happening so I've started walking outdoors a little each day. I will probably stop the water aerobics as it is just too much of a hassle to get there. Maybe if/when our Y ever gets their own pool I will start going again but in the meantime I've pulled my exercises for range of motion and strengthening and with the walking and my recumbant bike, I think I can get a routine going to keep moving. Joyce and I painted roses last month and mine got sold as soon as I posted it on FB even though I hadn't planned on selling it.
Today is another painting day and we hope to start a new painting called First Love. Then in a couple weeks we go to the Jerry Yarnell painting seminar. Can't wait for that. My stress levels have been pretty high so I'm hoping that will help.

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